Now is the time for a vacation. You must have planned to spend some quality time exploring local places in these holidays. But, like others, you want to do the travel part in a car at an affordable price right? There are options like renting a car from taxi companies but it costs very high […]

Another reason why Uber like on-demand taxi booking became famous is that it makes the payment process seamless and less stressful. We as a leading provider of ready-made taxi booking scripts, focus more on the payments area because all our clients exhort us to give a high-performance payment system along with their desired payment gateway. […]

Uber has created a lot of impact in the on-demand taxi market and because of that many such tech startups are looking to build apps like Uber and launch a startup. The ride handling market just after Uber seemed like a fad but, 10 years have passed and it has not lost its momentum. With […]

Most entrepreneurs who are looking to enter the on-demand taxi booking app startup has less than average technical expertise. So it is imperative for them to get an experienced developer team or hire freelancers for app solution building. The latter one is preferred by many for the main reason of cost. This one parameter makes […]

Our on-demand app development firm has a higher turnout rate than other taxi app developing companies. This is because we offer something different that other don’t even talk with the clients. We at SpotnRides provide an all around after-sales assistance, which includes a lot of perks and incentives.  We put more effort to do this […]

Just two years after the inception of Uber, traditional taxi companies faced the heat and slowly opted out of the taxi market. This result is obvious because in the US most of the Uber fares were below $1. Can you remember the time when traditional taxis charged so low? Keeping that aside, it has been […]

Believe it or not, taxi booking app is the most preferred and successful on-demand business service. The degree of convenience it offers is unparalleled. With the ubiquity of smartphones, it is only a matter of minutes to get a cab from anywhere. So for the next fifteen years there is not much worry about the […]

Many countries which are dependent on unsustainable businesses like oil export, mining, etc are shifting their focus towards other long-term industries like tourism. This change is because of the inevitable industrial shift because of climate change. So the change has started now and to keep the economy moving forward, travel and tourism is the right […]

In this digitally upgraded era, a normal user can do almost everything with his smartphone from ordering food to booking a taxi. What amazed the people is the speed in which everything happens. For example, you book a taxi and within minutes a taxi pulls up near you. This on-demand economy is growing by leaps […]

With growing consumer popularity and business adoption, the on-demand taxi economy is growing at a faster pace. Launching a taxi startup in 2020 is the right decision to take and for that, you need to work from now. As an entrepreneur, you have to understand that not every business has to be started from scratch, […]

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