An automobile is not available to everybody on the planet. Even if you own a car, you can encounter numerous issues in large cities. Most people would rather hire a taxi than own a vehicle because of the constant issues with traffic, parking, and car maintenance. In this pandemic time, the On-demand marketplace for taxi […]
Just two years after the inception of Uber, traditional taxi companies faced the heat and slowly opted out of the taxi market. This result is obvious because in the US most of the Uber fares were below $1. Can you remember the time when traditional taxis charged so low? Keeping that aside, it has been […]
In this digitally upgraded era, a normal user can do almost everything with his smartphone from ordering food to booking a taxi. What amazed the people is the speed in which everything happens. For example, you book a taxi and within minutes a taxi pulls up near you. This on-demand economy is growing by leaps […]
If you ask me which is the right time to enter the sharing economy like Uber, Ola, etc, I would say 2019 without any hesitation. When Uber first started ten years back everyone thought that the demand for such taxi sharing market will not persist for long. But contrary to that notion, the taxi sharing […]
For any startup business, being different from others is the key. On-demand taxi booking startup is no different from that. A deluge of taxi startups using Uber like taxi app solution has emerged in every nook and corner. If you are a new taxi startup, you might know about this and yet to launch startups […]