Tow truck dispatch software – begin your roadside assistance business within hours

Our ready to use roadside assistance software gives you all the digital tools to provide
real-time towing service with the shortest time to market.

Tow Truck Dispatch Software
Towing Dispatch Software

Here is why our towing dispatch software is indisputable from multiple perspectives

Our on-demand towing software solution is that it gives you an online presence covering all venues including the web and the mobile. Listed below are some attributes that make our towing dispatch software irresistible:

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    Plug-and-play interface; simply upload the software on the server.

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    Google Maps as well as Apple maps to incorporate real-time map updates.

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    Easy scalability for any size of business.

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    Complete internationalization enables you to run global operations.

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    Complete branding with seamless customization for web as well as mobile.

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    Backed by the best team of programmers having built multiple on demand software applications.

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    Unlimited service providers can register as well as unlimited users.

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    Enable users to use your app both on Android and iOS devices.

Our customers love what we do

We love the satisfaction we get everyday by assisting our customer and launch their dream venture! Here some of our feedback from our valuable customers,

The success story of our towing dispatch software
that we often like to share with our customers.

Samuel had been running a garage for five years now. He had inherited the business from his father. He loved repairing automobiles. Most of the business came from the old patrons who had been bringing their cars and trucks to the garage for many years. Although over the past five years he had increased the business to some extent, the growth had not been as much as he had envisaged when he inherited the business. He had great plans.

It was not that he hadn’t implemented his plans. He had upgraded the equipment. He had also hired trained hands. In the past three years he had purchased two towing trucks to haul the stranded vehicles to his garage. He was also sending his staff for routine skill development. Nonetheless, his business was slipping out of his hand and going to other garages. By that rate, he had calculated that in the next five years, he may have to shut down the garage.

One of the biggest reasons was that the other garages were able to collaborate with roadside assistance service providers, which, somehow, he had not been able to achieve.

He knew that some good towing software options were available, but he felt that without appropriate software background, he won’t be able to use the software properly. He also believed that the operations of his garage were highly unique and any off-the-shelf software won’t be able to fit the bill.

Using the towing truck management software, the other garage owners were not just getting customers to their own garages, but even providing simple towing services and were making money off them. So, whether they got vehicles to their own garage or to another garage (they may be charging a commission), they were constantly making money and additionally, snatching customers from his garage.

He had to towing trucks. He started prompting his existing customers to call his number whenever they were stuck somewhere so that he could promptly send his trucks. But it did not work out. He could not practically managed operations with just two towing trucks, and he could not afford to buy new trucks. The only option for him was to have a similar software that would enable towing trucking service providers to receive instant notifications and reach the spot.

He hired two programmers even when he knew that he could not afford them, and he would be using money from his savings. The programmers worked for three months and were able to deploy a functional tow truck management software. Although software worked for a couple of trucks, when multiple towing truck companies started using it, it would often crash. The worst part was, when stranded passengers used their mobile app to quickly book a towing service, their messages were not broadcast to the nearest towing trucks. In a couple of instances, the situation became dangerous, and he quickly needed to inform everyone not to use the software for booking emergency towing services. All the money was wasted.

For a few months he was completely clueless. In between, he lost a few more customers to other garages. Then one day, he came across the SpotnTow website and it immediately caught his attention. Although previously he had seen multiple towing software websites, there was something in the message of the website that drew him to read further. It was a complete roadside assistance software that would enable people to book towing services from the website as well as from a mobile app. It was easy to install. It was scalable. It was affordable. The software would work from a web browser as well as from a mobile phone. He decided to give it a go.

The team behind the tow truck dispatch software assured him that he did not need to have any programming language and they would themselves deploy the software in a manner that it would be available on the website as well as mobile phones. They were able to deploy a functional version of the software within five working days. He did some trial runs with old customers he trusted and who wanted to help him.

They were able to book towing services and the messages were immediately flashed to the nearby towing trucks. First, he tried with a couple of customers. Then he tried with 10 customers. After 15 days, he advertised in the local newspaper inviting different towing companies to download and install his mobile app through which they could provide their towing truck services.

In a month, 35 people booked towing services through his roadside assistance software and they were successfully provided help within 10 minutes. A lot of the business came to his garage. People even subscribed to the premium version of his app to get privileged services.

It has been six months now since Samuel has been using the SpotnTow towing dispatch software. He was already an efficient garage owner and soon his reputation spread. His app has been downloaded widely and his radius of services has increased to more than 200 miles. Not all the vehicles necessarily come to his garage, but now, his towing services are making him more money than his garage. He is thinking of expanding his services to 3 more adjacent cities.

Want to run a successful towing dispatch software? Then here are a few reasons why you must use SpotnTow

  • A hybrid towing software application that works in the browser as well as mobile.
  • No need to have separate apps for Android and iOS.
  • Easy internationalization. Run your business from a single location and make money from multiple cities, and even countries.
  • One-tap registration allows users and towing truck services to register simply by mobile OTP.
  • Custom themes to completely brand your web presence as well as mobile app.
  • Alternate revenue models by allowing you to advertise on category pages and screens.
  • Chatting and calling facilities from within the app using Internet calling.
  • Real-time tracking of the movement of the trucks.
  • Privileged customer services for paying customers.
  • Unlimited customers and unlimited towing service providers.

Get a first-hand experience.

Automate Your Towing Business

Steller features for you, cab drivers and users

Easy signup/signing

Customers can easily sign up for the towing software service using email ID they are already logged in or by generating a one-time password on their active SIM card numbers.

Service selection

Your customers can select from an assortment of towing dispatch services that you create in advance to give them a wide spectrum of choices.

Real-time tracking and notification

On the embedded map your customers can track the movement of the towing truck approaching them or how much distance is there between the nearest towing truck.

On-demand and schedule booking

Your customers can make immediate demand for a towing truck when they are stranded, or they can schedule a pickup well in advance.

Provide details before booking

Your customers will receive complete details on their roadside assistance service provider such as name, the type of truck, vaccination status and ratings.

Price negotiation

Your customers can make price negotiations with the available towing truck services to get best pricing options.

Emergency alert

Using the mobile app or web software, your customers can raise emergency alerts that will be beamed to different towing truck service providers, through the software, and the nearest one we reach the spot.

Easy registration

Service providers can register themselves as individuals or companies. They can begin with minimum details and then go on to adding further details about their vehicles, availability, and pricing.

Managed services

The service providers will have a dashboard through which they will be able to maintain all the services that they want to provide through your tow truck management software.

Service request push notification

Provided they are in the vicinity of the stranded vehicle they will get a notification immediately on their mobile phones.

Online/off-line toggle

The service providers can decide when they want to be visible on the towing truck dispatch software and when they want to appear off-line when they are unable to provide the service.

Availability schedule

If your service providers are available only during certain hours, they can manage their availability schedule through the dashboard.

User feedback

Your service providers can receive real-time feedback from their customers they serve. The ratings and feedbacks will help them provide better services.

Job details

The service providers can maintain individual details on the jobs that they have executed for the purpose of reporting and tracking the performance.

Easy navigation

The inbuilt maps and GPS system will allow them to reach the stranded vehicles extremely fast and also drive the vehicle to the nearest available garage.

Detailed dashboard

The administrators will have access to detailed dashboard through which they will be able to supervise sub-admins, service providers and users.

Managed services & prices

The admins can decide which services to activate and which services to hold back. They can also set prices for different services and distance ranges.

Customer management

There is a dedicated section for customer management through which they can upgrade and downgrade customers and manage other details.

Service provider management

Although service providers can register themselves, admins have a complete control over their listings and the type of services and pricing options service providers make available.

Complete job details

Extensive reports are available to the admins on the completed jobs executed by the towing truck services for the purpose of reporting and performance review.

Custom push notifications

Admins can decide if they want to receive push notifications from customers in real-time so that they can supervise the flow of work.

Manage documents

The admins can manage verification documents submitted by service providers such as their IDs, certificates and driving licenses.


Additional revenue streams can be created by publishing banners on the homepage of the towing software website or app or under various categories.


Add-on features for customers and service providers



Providers can offer subscription-based services for monthly revenue opportunities.


In-app chat/call

Users and service providers can interact with each other using the inbuilt calling facility or through text chatting.

Crypto payments

Crypto payments

Service providers can receive payments in cryptocurrencies from their customers.

UI customization

UI customization

Businesses can have the user interface of their apps fully branded.

UI customization

In-app payout

Payments can be withdrawn through the in-app features embedded within the app.

Search and filter

Search and filter

Users can search for their preferred towing truck service providers through the search and filter feature.



Prebuilt and custom themes can be created for the visual appeal of the roadside assistance software on the web as well as on mobile phones.

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Are you ready to start?

A versatile on-demand software

Would you like to use our towing truck management software for other on-demand services?

Cab booking service

Cab booking service

Our towing software can easily be customized to provide on-demand cab booking services. Independent cab owners as well as cab companies can easily register and provide their services to your users.

Boat rental bookings business

Boat rental bookings business

Using the same roadside assistance software as the base product you can create a boat rental booking business with all the needed features. Completely customizable and tailored.

Rental business

Rental business

Temporary or permanent rental spaces can be offered on rent and lease through this on-demand mobile app with very little adjustments.


Appliances & Gadgets Rental Business

With all the on-demand features available within the towing dispatch software application you can easily run a rental business service for appliances & gadgets.


On-demand courier business

Our development team can quickly customize the existing towing truck on-demand software application to run your courier business.

Food delivery

Food Delivery Business

Create an entirely dedicated revenue stream by using our on-demand towing software to enable your users to book food items to be delivered from different restaurants.


On-demand tutorial services

Tap into the lucrative market of education by using our software to run a home tuition service. Schoolchildren can book tuition sessions right from within the on-demand app.


Catering service

Our on-demand roadside assistance software can be easily tailored to deliver catering services. People holding parties and functions can easily use your app to go catering services in different cities.

Additional features of our towing truck dispatch software

Location sharing

Both users and towing services providers can mutually share their locations for better tracking and reaching the destination.


People using your towing software and mobile app in their country can pay in their own currency.

Sharing vehicle information

Vehicle information can be saved in advance or just as the towing service is needed.

Referral report

Run a referral program to quickly grow your towing truck business by providing a referral incentive to people.

Multi-lingual option

You can provide your roadside assistance services through our towing dispatch software in multiple regions, internationally, through the multilingual add-on.

God’s view

A complete bird’s eye view of your entire operations constituting of different towing trucks, users as well as garages.

Promo code

Promote the usage of your towing software or mobile app by providing a promo code to your users for an initial push.

Towing Dispatch Software

Do you want to experience the power of our roadside assistance software first-hand?

Launch your Towing App

Different ways you can make money with our tow truck management software


Priority listing

You can charge money for priority listing of towing truck services to make it easier for users to find certain services.



On-site maintenance

You can charge a fee if the towing truck is sent but the owner of the vehicle wants the vehicle to be repaired on-site.




Add-on services like internationalization and international currencies can be made chargeable for special privileges.



Banner advertising

You can publish banners on the homepage or category pages from tow truck services, garages, and other related services.



Subscription service

You can request users to subscribe to roadside assistance services to get priority treatment and other advantages.



Privileged Push Notifications

Towing dispatch software can pay you extra for privileged push notifications to generate more business.



Commission from tow truck agencies

This commission can be automatically deducted when your users pay the roadside assistance services.



Affiliate product endorsement

You can endorse products such as spare parts of different vehicle models through your tow truck dispatch software.



Commission from garages

You can charge a commission from garages to whenever your towing truck service takes the stranded vehicles.




You can sublet the use of your towing software interface so that other garage and towing services can provide their services through it as an independent business, generating commission for you.


What is included in the tow truck dispatch software setup?

  • The complete script
  • Separate versions for Android and iOS
  • Customization & branding
  • Web-based interface for Administration

Please rest assured: this is the best possible towing software you can get that is powerful, feature rich and above all, easy to setup and customize.

Want to tap into the massive on-demand towing truck business opportunity?

Submit the form given below and we will get you all the details you need to get started.

Let's Move Forward With Your Project

Our foolproof process of deploying the tow truck management software

Once deployed, our 100% effort is that the software application must work flawlessly, without lagging, and providing ultimate experience to its users, whether they are towing truck services, vehicle owners, garage owners or the admins of the software. It is one of the best on-demand roadside assistance software solutions available hence, its successful deployment is essential.

We will obtain maximum input from you before customizing it. Your users will not be able to tell that you have purchased a ready-made tow truck dispatch software, off-the-shelf. It will be fully branded. We can use the theme to make it look unique. Initially we will also help you customize the interface so that it is easier for your admins to use it. We also provide post-deployment maintenance services.

  • Full customization and branding to create a unique web and mobile solution.
  • Incorporation of logo and custom colours before the software application is activated.
  • Tweaks in the modules to suit unique requirements of your tow truck business.
  • Thorough testing with real uses including tow truck owners and vehicle owners.
  • Help with setting up the mobile apps on play stores.
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SpotnTow Technology Stack

Frequently asked questions about our tow truck management software

What tools do tow truck dispatchers use?

Tow truck dispatchers are the person who manages the dispatching process and uses towing dispatch software solutions commonly. To get more advantages from the software, tow truck businesses use personalized tow truck dispatch software.

What are the components of towing dispatch software?

A towing dispatch software solution includes an admin panel, an app for customers, and an app for service providers.

When I purchase the towing software, is it the final cost?

The cost of the software is different from the cost of deployment, hosting, customization, and even a web interface. If you want to develop a website around the tow truck dispatch software, cost will be involved. There will also be customization costs.

Do I need to know programming to be able to fully utilize your roadside assistance software?

It always pays to have a skill, but you don't need to know programming to make use of our towing dispatch software. Our developers will customize it, deploy it, test it, and even provide maintenance services in case a snag develops, or you want to add new features.

What is the main function of tow truck dispatch software?

Getting online requests from potential drivers and allotting the task to a tow truck service provider is the primary task of tow truck dispatch software.

Do I need to hire a team of programmers after buying the tow truck dispatch software from you?

You are free to hire a team of programmers if you want to, but, since our team has developed the software from scratch, if you want to work on some add-ons or make changes in terms of customization, it is better to work with our programmers. We readily provide customization services to customers who purchase the software from us.

What are the advantages of tow truck dispatch software?

By having a towing dispatch software solution, any towing business can uplift its business activities like driver management, vehicle tracking, internal communication, payment, and others.