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How To Build A Successful Freemium Model App In No Time For Your Business?

Freemium is one of the famous and working models of the application that helps to engage existing users and attract more users to your business app. If you have a plan to develop an application for your business, you should include this kind of flow to get more positive results.

It will also increase the sources of revenue for your business by monetizing the features of the application. Through this blog, you can check the complete details about the freemium concept and how an app like Uber for X scripts will ease the process of executing this strategy in your application.

What Is Freemium Model?

Let’s learn the concept of the freemium model from its definition. It is a business model, which allows your consumers to enjoy your limited service for free, while they should pay you if they continue to consume your product or extended service.

Many businesspersons have been practicing this strategy since 1980 but the actual term was coined in 2006. This model has been playing a major role in mobile applications and games. The users who access such apps and games can get basic features at zero cost and premium features by paying some amount to the firm. 

It is a slow and effective conversion strategy that will work in long term. That’s why investing in developing an application with this freemium working strategy will benefit your business. Let’s dive into this specific part deeper.

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What Is The Need For Freemium Revenue Model In Your Business App?

In this part, you will know the need for a freemium revenue model and how it benefits you. Free products and services attract more people than low-cost products and services. Isn’t it? It is the reason behind the success of this strategy. 

There are five types of freemium models used by the industry players. They are,

  1. Traditional Freemium Strategy – This model implements the simple concept of freemium. 
  2. Land And Expand – It is also known as ‘see and grow’. This model suggests you provide your high-end free-to-use features to gain trust among the customers, then sell your premium membership to them and other corporates. Through this model, your business app will record a high customer retention rate. 
  3. Freeware Strategy – In context with the subscription model, this strategy will provide all free basic features for a lifetime. The app that is built with this freeware strategy, will be filled with promotional content in huge to convert the users into your customers. 
  4. Ecosystem Strategy- This model is different from other freemium concepts. This model allows you to collect money from the service providers instead of customers by making a marketplace or ecosystem to list their service or business or app. 
  5. Alternative Product and Service Model- Similar to the traditional strategy, first you should provide a completely free product or service to your customers. Then sell another service or product to your customers. As they already know the standard of your business through the free service or product they will buy the premium product easily. 

Through these methods, you can reach more customers easily. 

For instance, you develop an application for your business and execute the freemium strategy. Many people download your application and use the free features. After some days, some of them will be converted into your premium members. Some people take more time to convert. But, regardless of the time they take, your application will provide the standard free features for a lifetime.

Unlike the subscription model, it gives the space and time to the users to choose your prime subscription. And also it increases the value of your business. That’s why choosing the freemium strategy for your business app is a good choice.

How Does Engage Both Paying And Non-Paying Members Through The App?

Now, let’s see the methods to engage your paying and non-paying members through your application. Before you start developing an application with this strategy, you should know the purpose and workflow of the same. 

Ask yourself why should you provide a feature for free? And what is the benefit of following this method?. The answer is, “building trust among your customers”. This is the only reason and the major benefit of the strategy. But you must know how to differentiate the paid users and non-paid users.

Because the paid users are expecting more than they experience in the free version. So, you have to fulfill their need to make your app succeed. For example, if you have a taxi business, you need to build an application for the business, then you can check the following things to engage both prime and non-prime members.

Ordinary Service and Extraordinary Service – You have to deliver standard ordinary service to your non-paid consumers like a book for a taxi and get it on time. For premium members, you have to provide advanced service like they will get a discount coupon for each booking or get the taxi within 10minutes after they booked or avail luxurious taxi at ordinary taxi rent, etc.

Ads and Ads Free- This is one of the common methods followed by many businesses. You can include banner ads and video ads in your application for free consumers. And you can claim a certain amount for the premium membership. The customer who avails of the premium service must get ad-free services.

Customer Support- You can provide customer support for all customers who are using the free version for a limited time of the day. And you can provide 24*7 customer care for those who avail of the prime membership. 

Unique Tools – Providing additional tools and features for paying customers is the best way to differentiate them from non-paying customers. Through this, you can easily satisfy the paying consumers. For the taxi business, you can provide extra tools like choosing the driver they want to drive for them, choosing elite cars for rent, etc. 

By doing these in the right manner, you can engage your paid and non-paid customer base. These methods are common not only in the taxi business app but also for all types of businesses like,

  • On-Demand Laundry Business App,
  • Handyman Service And Aggregator App,
  • Food Delivery App, 
  • Doctor Booking, Baby Sitter, And Other Applications.

For any business, you can create an application with the freemium strategy to achieve the maximum number of consumers. As per the famous quote of Stewart Butterfield, the co-founder of the photo-sharing website Flickr, every interaction is an opportunity for marketing. When you do more than customer expectations, most people will recommend your business.

Get a Freemium Model Demo for Your Business – WhatsApp | Skype

How Spotnrides Help You To Make A Long-Term Working Freemium Model App In No Time?

Making a mobile application with the right strategy and best workflow may take more time to launch. But what if there is another solution that provides the operational app in no time?

SpotnRides has been providing such a ready-to-use application solution for many businesses like yours. We are developing a mobile app clone for any business through Uber for Multiservice script instead of creating a new application from scratch.

By doing this, we can provide a complete app solution for your business quickly. If you have any unique plans, we can also do the same for you. By using our app clone solution, you will get the following benefits.

  • User-friendly interface and best UX,
  • Operational free-to-use features and exclusive tools,
  • Multiple payment systems,
  • Increase the revenue source,
  • Understand the users through their reviews,
  • Admin panel to monitor entire business flow, and others

We can understand your business whatever it is and provide the best ready-made solution with supplemental and advanced features. So, choose the best developer team to launch your application with an effective strategy rapidly. 


Freemium is a business strategy widely used in the mobile application, in which you can offer basic features to unpaid users and advanced features for premium customers. It can be executed for all businesses from taxis to food delivery.

SpotnRides has been providing a functional app clone solution for your business. With our application, you can implement the successful freemium strategy easily. 

About the author


I am working as a Senior product developer and have developed and delivered Web and Mobile products for numerous clients.

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