Finally, you have decided to enter the on-demand market with your taxi business. The most basic thing about it is the development of a mobile app. The on-demand wave happened because of the cutting edge apps created for the business services.

Taxis existed long back before Uber came but what helped Uber to disrupt the traditional taxis is the mobile app. People always have a mobile with them and they find it convenient and comfortable to use it to get many services.

Since the mobile app is the basis for any on-demand business, it is imperative to develop the app with utmost planning. For this, you should have a complete understanding of your business.

This ebook provides details about the on-demand taxi industry starting from the inception of taxis to the business plan, design, budgeting, and methods of taxi app development.

Our ebook cover:-

  1. Evolution of taxis, Speciality of on-demand business, Future of on-demand taxi.
  2. Business plan, Revenue model, Budgeting and types of app development.

Download the eBook Here